Ymwelydd Y Dydd: Dydd Sul – Tony Price

3 August 2014

Tony Price o Orslas yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yw ein Ymwelydd y Dydd heddi’.

Cwrddais i Tony Price wrth y stôl picau main prydferth ger y fynedfa maes yn prynu ei fag o chwe chacen am £2. Yn union syth pan welais i Tony â’i natur ddoniol hefo’r menywod yno ô’n i’n awyddus i siarad â fe!

Daeth Tony i’r Eisteddfod heddi i wylio ei ferch, Amelia, wedi gwisgo fel defaid yn ganu gyda’i hysgol. Yn anffodus, syrthiodd Amelia i gysgu yn ystod y perfformiad ar y llwyfan!

Roedd Tony wedi’i ymuno gan ei rieni yng-nghyfraith sydd o Sir Gaerfyrddin, ei wraig a’i dau blant, ond mae Tony ei hun yn dod o Fanceinion yn wreiddiol. Gofynnais Tony beth atynnid ef i Gymru, ac yn syml ymatebodd, ‘adar…, ‘da chi’n gwybod, menywod’.

Yr unig elfen negyddol am y profiad heddiw yw’r ffaith bod popeth mor ddrud, meddai, gan gynnwys bwyd a diod! Daeth ei fam-yng-nghyfraith draw i’r bwrdd gyda thri choffi a wnaeth costi £10.70! Mae hi’n ddweud sut mae deg punt ‘ddim yn mynd yn bell iawn’ yma ar y maes.

Bryd hapusaf ym mywyd Tony, meddai, yn hytrach na chwrdd â’i wraig, ond oedd pryd mi wnaeth ei dad prynu tractor iddo yn 1978 fel bachgen 13 mlwydd oed. Mae’n ychwanegu, ‘pryd ‘na, o’n i’n hapus gyda’r pethau bach!’

Y cwestiwn olaf atebodd Tony i mi oedd os o’dd fodd iddo gael pŵer hudol, pa bŵer fyddai’n dewis? Heb iddo gael chwinciad. mae ei wraig yn ateb iddo, ‘mae ganddo bŵer yn barod – mae’n dda iawn yn cynhyrchu plant’. Mae tad o chwech blant, Tony, yn dadlau bydd well ganddo’r gallu i guro ‘William Hill’ a gweld canlyniadau gemau cyn iddynt gael eu chwarae.

Tony Price from Gorslas in Carmarthenshire is our Visitor of the day today.

I met our visitor Tony at the beautiful Welsh cake stall near the maes entrance buying his bag of 6 welsh cakes for £2. Immediately he was our pick for Visitor of the day from seeing his comedic nature at play with the stall holders!

Tony Price visited the Eisteddfod today to watch his daughter, Amelia, dressed as a sheep, sing with her school. Unfortunately, little Amelia fell asleep during the performance on stage just as it was getting exciting!

Tony was joined by his parents in-laws who are actually from Carmarthenshire, his wife and two children, but Tony himself is from Manchester originally. I asked what brought Tony to Wales and he simply responded, ‘birds….you know, the lady kind…’.

The only negative of the experience today has been how overpriced everything is, he says, including the food and drink! His mother-in-law approached with a tray of three coffees, priced at £10.70! She says how ten pounds ‘doesn’t go very far’ here at the maes whatsoever!

The happiest moment of Tony’s life, he says, is not meeting his wife, but when his father bought him a tractor in 1978, at 13. He adds, ‘you know, I was easily pleased then’.

The last question Tony answered for me was if he could have a super power, what super power would he choose to have? His wife answers for him, ‘he already has a super power, the ability to create children’. Father of 6, Tony, would surely rather have the ability to beat William Hill at his own games and see game results before they are played.

 tony price wife kids and inlaystony price's child amelia

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